Features of Sanstha
Features of the Institute
Institute always focuses on the all round development of the students. Curricular or co-curricular activities are continuously conducted by the institute for the well-fare if students.
Various talent examinations are conducted to increase the intellectual level of students i.e. Hindi Visharad Examination, Mathematics or National Talents Search Examination as well as Sport Competition, Literature and culture activities are the regular practices of college, which is the exclusive identity of institute.
To cultivate the habit of social awareness and social service and well as develop the stance of patriotism amongst students, college has established National Service Scheme and Maharashtra State Service Scheme. Moreover, different programs are arranged in the campus for the well fare of students such as organization of expert lectures for the preparation of Job- Interviews and continues effort are taken to increase the merit standard of students.
Try to settle of teaching and non- teaching staffs in their life with maximum physical facilities institute has tried to avail the facility of loan through Credit Society and Home-Loan Society.
Institute became as an ideal farm running sectors for all the farmers of Selu with successful running the farm of 28 acres of own with new technology to generate the finance for the development of the institute.
Celebrated various events to express the gratitude towards the institute i.e. celebration of Silver Jubilee Year of Institute, Golden Jubilee Year of Institute and Diamond Jubilee year of the Institute with organization of different programs. Souvenir is published.
- Alumina meets were arranged on the occasion of various program such as:
1989---------(Golden Jubilee)
1992---------(Silver Jubilee Year of College)
1998---------(Silver Jubilee Year of Girls School)
2003---------(Diamond Jubilee Year of Institute)
2008---------Ex. Principal D.R. Kulkarnis’s Platinum Jubilee Year - Institute is having 70 acres area, its own in the heart of city and it has built up with adequate facilities for various sub- units of the institute.
- There are number of activities, moreover we can define chain of activities which are built on the base of specific aims, objectives and vision of the institute.
- Parent-teacher association is distinctive part of institute.
- Alumina meet is arranged per annum on the occasion of Padwa (Diwali)
- Nutan Shikshan Snastha is the center place of all moral, admirable and marvelous events of Selu.